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Real Property Foreclosures

Our Real Property foreclosure services take your file from judgment to sale with ease.  We schedule, prepare your notice, arrange for publication and posting (if needed), filing notices with the court, attend on your behalf, execute and notarize all closing documents.  Additionally, we cater to your individual needs. For additional information, please contact us.



We have four fully licensed and bonded   auctioneers on staff to handle your personal property auctions.  Our service includes arranging for publication, an auctioneer to handle your sale, and completing all the necessary paperwork, including Affirmation of Sale. ​

Other legal notices

While the bulk of our work involves foreclosure sales, we also have extensive experience in ALL   types of Legal Notices.  Including, but not limited to:

                   LLCs and LLPs

                   Service of Summons by Publication

                   Order to Show Cause


                   Name Change

                   Corporate Dissolution






2-8 Haven Avenue

PO Box 851

Port Washington, NY 11050


T: 516-767-5155
F: 516-767-1211


© 2013 KL Designs

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